Yearly Archives: 2016


WORKSHOP BRIEF : SPACE AND BODY IN ROME (3 WEEKS) Director: Arch. Benedetta Gargiulo Morelli, Academic Chief: Arch. Valina Geropanta. International Study Trip 25 July- 08 August 2016, Rome, Italy BACKGROUND OF ROMAN REALITY “Urban heritage” can be conceived as an all-encompassing term, including all that a historic city contains: its buildings open space, green […]

ITAD 2016 | Summer Edition

Dearest Friends and Colleagues: We are very happy to invite you all to our event:  “ITAD: Opening Ceremony Italy Top Architecture Design Program” Summer Edition, 2016 – that we continue to organize and run for the 3d year successfully! This time we are pleased to host students from four different Chinese universities that will attend a […]

ITAD 2016 | Spring Edition: ROME / VENICE Qatar University study trip

The University of Qatar architecture students visited Rome and Venice last April 2016 on an arhitecture study trip organized by ITAD; Italy Top Architecture Design Program. It was a full week of in-depth study of the typologies, materials, urban contexts and forms of the ancient, modern and contemporary Italian cities. ITAD, is registered with the […]

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