Benedetta Gargiulo Morelli
ITAD – 意大利建筑与设计协会以及建筑 工作室NOS Design创始人。曾在Foster + Partners的伦敦总部工作,在国际项目 工作方面拥有丰富的经验。 已经参与过 的项目涵盖中国,新加坡,摩洛哥,尼
日利亚,英国和意大利等国家和地区。 2010年6月,毕业于 AA建筑学院,其毕业项目获得国际荣誉例如可持续发展和基 础设施AAFoster + Partners奖和英国皇家建筑师学会总统铜 牌奖的提名
Vasiliki Valina Geropanta
建筑师,罗马大学建筑学院“La Sapi- enza”博士,英国伦敦建筑学院建筑学 院的MA学位。经验包括在希腊及海外的 项目,范围涉及住宅,混合用途开发,零售和工业建筑。具有建筑,规划,工程和施工现场主管 的背景。她的项目已在国际展览如希腊塞萨洛尼基第三届建 筑双年展中展出。她将领导讲座,并将作为研讨会的学术参 考。
Francesco Grimandi
建筑师,平面设计师和网页设计师,毕 业于罗马大学La Sapienza大学,获得室 内设计学位,后获得建筑学硕士学位。 他在学习期间培养了对图形和网页设计的热情,擅长于为公共机构和私人客户创建网站。
Massimo Catalani他的童年时代的实在母亲店里的书籍 , 蜡笔和画笔度过的。他于1988年毕业, 第二年在罗马建筑师事务所登记。在他 的论文中提到他在绘画,建模和建筑石工的混合涂料上的实验。作品获得了国际认可并在在全球各 地的画廊和博物馆展出。
Federico de Matteis
建筑师,自2006年担任建筑与城市设计建筑学院终身研究员,罗马Sapienza大学建筑与设计系教授设计工作室 在本科和研究生阶段的最佳成绩(2000年),罗马大学建筑系“Sapienza”科学硕士荣誉(2003 ),宾夕法尼亚大学设计学院,能源与环境技术促进发展博 士学位(2004年),CIRPS,罗马“Sapienza”大学。国际活动的教师和演讲嘉宾。
Alessandro Locchi
Archeologist, researcher in History of Religions and publisher. Degree in Classical Literature from the University “Sapienza” of Roma (1999), with a thesis centered around polychromies in the Greek culture. PhD in History Religious Studies (2005) on the taurine form of the Greek god Dionysos, Sapienza University of Rome. From 1997, he works in the realm of guided visits and cultural divulgation.
Simona Salvo
建筑保护博士助理教授(2000年),学 位包括,建筑保存(1997年)M.S.,在 建筑学(1993B.S.)。在设计,历史和建 筑保护理论方面的有丰富的实践经验和教学经验。长期作为意大利主要历史遗迹的关键重建案例的 研究成员。在国际大学有长期的经验,负责与中国,巴西 和西班牙的科学合作计划。时常参加有关建筑保护的国际会 议和研讨会。
Prof. Arch. Nilda Valentin
建筑师和罗马Sapienza大学建筑系建筑 与城市设计系教授,建筑学博士学位, 于美国佐治亚理工学院获得建筑硕士学 位和城市与区域规划硕士学位。同时在美国和意大利的注册建筑师。她将自己的作品结合作为散文 和当代建筑书籍的作者,并积极参与国内和国际比赛,获得 奖品和提及,如Europan 1。
Livio Sacchi
is an architect and professor of architectural design at the Faculty of Architecture of Pescara. Silver Plaque UID Italian Union for Design; President of the Lazio Inarch Section National Institute of Architecture; director of the Architects of Rome, and ‘responsible for architecture, urban planning and design at the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia founded by G. Treccani. Editor of the magazine”Op Cit.”, Deputy Editor of the”Project”, and was one of the coordinators of the XVII Triennale di Milano. Prof. Arch. Livio Sacchi will present the course in the opening ceremony, co-ordinate the invited guest lecture program and distribute the official certificate during the closing ceremony.
Gianluca Evels
is graduated in Architectural and Urban Design at ‘La Sapienza’ University, in Rome where he works as architect .From 2003 to 2008 he is member in design educational activities in different courses of the Faculty of Architecture, University ‘La Sapienza‘ of Rome. In 2003 he founded together with Stefania Papitto the office ‘b4architects’. The team was awarded with a Silver Interarch Medal and Honorary Diploma in XII World Triennial of Architecture-Interarch’09 in Bulgaria, and in the ‘27/37 international exhibition of young Italian architects’ in the Italian Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo in the section ‘Better City – Better Life’. In 2011 the office was awarded among Europe’s emerging young architects and designers in the winning list ‘Europe 40 under 40’. The team won also different international competition, among others: europan 8 Kirkenes-Norway, ‘proto:type’ for a new skyscraper typology in Vancouver-Canada BC, europan 9 Kotka-Finland, 20+10+X World Architecture Community Awards (winner 2nd and 7th Cycle). Currently he is working in different urban and architectural projects.
Chiara Tonelli
graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ in 1995, PhD and assistant professor in Architectural Technology at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Roma TRE, since 2000 he has been teaching courses of Architectural Technology.She is team leader of the first group admitted to the Italian international competition Solar Decathlon Europe, with a prototype of a house called ‘MED in Italy’, powered by renewable energy, built in Madrid in 2012 and won the third place. Her team has also been selected for the next edition to be held in Versailles in 2014.
Watch the video of her participation to Solar Decathlon HERE.
Alessandro Castagnaro
Director and Founder of the architectural firm “AC”. Professor of “History of Contemporary Architecture” in the Faculty of Architecture, University of Rome “La Sapienza” and of “History of Architecture of the twentieth century in Naples” at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Naples “Federico II”. President of “N.I.A.I Campania”, Association of Engineers and Architects of Campania, federated with the “A.N.I.A.I. National”. Director of the magazine ANIAI Review, a quarterly publication of the Association of Engineers and Architects of Campania.
Ferruccio Izzo
is Associate Professor of architectural composition at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Naples “Federico II”. He has taught Architectural Design and Urban as a visiting professor at North London University from 1992 to 1996 and at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Cambridge for the academic year 1995-96. He has given seminars and conferences at the Bath University School of Architecture, the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Moscow and the Akademie der Künste in Stuttgart Bildenden. He has worked in the studios of David Chipperfield, Richard Meier, Eduardo Catalano and William Blurock. In 1995 he founded with his father, Prof. Alberto Izzo the architectural practice: Alberto Izzo & Partners.
Mario Rosario Losasso
is the Director of the Department of Urban Design and Planning at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Naples “Federico II”. He is also professor of Industrial Technology; Principal member of the Research Committee of the Pole of Sciences and Technologies; Coordinator of the PhD in Architectural Technology; Member of the Board of Directors of the SITdA – Italian Society of Architectural Technology; Member of the Scientific Committee and of the Committee of the journal form of Editors of the magazine Techne. He is responsible of the patronage between ITAD and University of Naples Federico II.
Roberta Amirante
is PHD in Architectural and Urban Design and full professor in the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Naples “Federico II”. She is the responsible for the “Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Architettura” (5- year course, European title of architect) and member of PHD course in Urban Design at the same Faculty. Member of the editorial staff of the art and architectural review “Op.Cit.” since 1981. Member of the Scientific Committee for the organization of the International Design Seminars “Naples, architecture and city”, from 1989 to 1998.
ITAD Tutors
Dorotea Ottaviani
Dorotea Ottaviani is an architect and researcher. She worked as Experienced Researcher within the ADAPT-r ITN Program ( European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 ) at the Glasgow School of Art, UK. In her post-doctoral fellowship, she investigates the implicit and tacit aspects that nourish and sustain the knowledge in the creative practice along with the explication of the creative practitioners’ methods. She is an architect trained in Architectural Design in Italy and in the Netherlands and she was granted a PhD at the Department of Architecture and Design, “Sapienza” University of Rome with a research on the transformation of the image and the imagery of post-WWII social housing districts. She has been working as an architect since 2010 in different architectural firms in Italy, Germany and Portugal.
Laura Colazza
is an architect and PhD student at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Rome ”La Sapienza”. She obtained a bachelor’s degree in “Interior design” and master’s degree in “Architecture”. Since 2010 she has been tutor at courses of “Architectural composition” and “Scenography” at “La Sapienza” University of Rome. She has worked as freelance and in collaboration with different studios gaining work experience mainly on rehabilitation and interior design projects for residential and retail buildings.
Gildo Incitti
建筑师,艺术家和草绘师,毕业于 ROMA TRE大学的”Scienze dell’Ar- chitettura“和”Progettazione ar- chitettonica“,对于绘画有长久的热情,曾在多家欧洲公司工作,特别是与位于巴塞罗那和迪 拜之间的Nabito建筑事务所合作,他在2012年威尼斯双年 展和2013年纽约现代艺术博物馆展览。2015年,他创立了 Nordlys arkitektur,在意大利和欧洲北部致力于发展可持续 建筑事业。
Leopoldo Russo Ceccotti
建筑师(2009年),博士生,2012年获 得罗马大学“Sapienza”复杂建筑设计 管理硕士学位,以及巴黎瓦勒塞纳国立 高等建筑设计学院的综合建筑设计管理硕士学位。他曾在博洛尼亚(2010/2011)在Cucinella建筑 事务所的加纳项目中工作。他一直是那不勒斯和切塞纳蒂科 城市规划团队的一部分。他的研究主要集中在现有建筑物的 再利用和城市更新:发表多篇散文并参加了国际设计竞赛。